Secured large parcel of open ground within favourable paragneiss and regional fold structures.
Location: 50 km ENE of Mont-Laurier. Excellent access. The land package is secured around four major showings
- Ruisseau Lanthier (Zone A)
- Lac Michaudville (Zone B)
- Ruisseau Jaune (Zone C)
- Lacs Verts
# of claims: 47
The 246-line-km survey flown over the 47-claim Ruisseau project located 50 km ENE of Mont-Laurier identified 538 TDEM point anomalies with 204 having an intermediate to very strong conductive response. Eleven linear TDEM trends and three spot anomalies show strong correlation with magnetic trends and are considered as prospective targets for graphite-sulphide mineralization. Ten other TDEM trends are associated with MAG lows or do not show any clear correlation to magnetic data. Graphite hosted within non-magnetic marble rocks may be the source of TDEM responses of this sort.

Ruisseau Lanthier (Zone A)
Work history: In 1989, Graphicor Resources – Staking, geophysical survey. In 1989-1990, Graphicor Resources – Drilling. In 2013, Caribou King – Prospecting, drilling. In 2013, Vision Exploration – Geophysical survey.
Holder: Unimera Holding Public (2018)
Lithology: Graphite mineralization is associated primarily with marble. Mineralization is also found in paragneiss and quartzite (L’Ascension Supracrustal Suite)(GM 69035).
Morphology: This graphite mineralized zone corresponds to a strip of marble nearly 2 m wide, oriented NW70/60. Graphite mineralization occurs as flakes evenly distributed within the marble. Graphite mineralization is also found in nodules of 2 to 10 mm in marble (GM 69035).
Genesis: Successive metamorphism of sedimentary strata containing organic matter.
Mineralization: Grade: 10.14% Cg (graphitic carbon) over 6.0 m (hole T89-13); 12.46% Cg over 3.0m (90-20 sounding); 15.88% Cg over 2.14 m (hole T89-04); 19.49% Cg and 19.19 Cg (surface sample T-004 and T-005-A) (GM-51068). This graphite mineralized zone corresponds to a band of carbonate metasedimentary rocks (marble) locally containing up to 20% disseminated crystalline graphite. Graphite mineralization occurs as flakes of 0.5 to 2 mm. Graphite occurs in the foliation planes of the rock. There are sulphides, including pyrite and pyrrhotite, associated with graphite (GM 69035).
Lac Michaudville (Zone B)
History of work: In 1991, Graphicor Resources – Geological cartography.
Holder: Unimera Holding Public (2018)
Lithology: Graphite is found within schistose gneissic bands.
: This mineralized zone of graphite is found inside bands of gneiss whose thicknesses are metric. The strength of the graphitic horizons is tightly controlled by the structure, ie a system of isoclinal folds P1 at N 232/24 degrees taken up by P2 at N 270/30 degrees.
Typology: Genesis: Successive metamorphism of sedimentary strata containing organic matter.
Mineralization: Grade: 15.53% Cg, 12.60% Cg, 11.40% Cg and 8.70% Cg (surface sample T-017, T-018, T-015 and T-021; GM -51068). Graphite is generally found in flakes from 0.5 mm to 5 mm in diameter. Flakes one centimeter in diameter
Ruisseau Jaune (Zone C)
Discovery: Mineralized zone discovered in 1989.
Work history: In 1989, —— Geological survey.
Holder: Unimera Holding Public (2018)
Lithology: The host rock is a schistose paragneiss.
Morphology: This graphitic band was observed over a hundred meters in length. These bands are part of a P1 isoclinal system oriented 77° NW. Measured dips range from sub-horizontal to 63 degrees.
Typology: Genesis: successive metamorphism of sedimentary strata containing organic matter during Grenvillian orogenies.
Mineralization: Grade: 12.17% Cg (graphitic carbon) (example T-023) and 11.86 Cg (T-024): surface samples. Drilling samples assayed 9.86% Cg over 46.75 m (drilling 90-44); 10.48% Cg over 5.20 m (drilling 90-43); 12.17% Cg and 11.86% Cg; GM-51068. The graphite is disseminated and is generally found in flakes of 0.5 mm to 5 mm in diameter. Flakes one centimeter in diameter were noted. Visually, the percentage of graphite varies from 12 to 20%.
Lacs Verts
Mineralized zone located 500 m south of the Petits Lacs Verts (Range VII; Lots 53-54).
Year discovered: 1989
Discovery: Mineralized zone with outcrop discovered in 1989 by geological mapping. Work history: In 1990, Res. Graphicor – Geological survey, sampling, drilling and analysis.
Holder: Unimera Holding Public (2018)
How – lithology: Lithologies: A – Marble; B – Biotite-sillimanite pargneiss.
Minerals: Graphite, biotite, sillimanite, calcite, quartz
Morphology: The shape of the mineralized zone is tabular and conforms to the orientation of the different stratigraphic units, trending East to ESE with slight dips towards the SSW.
Typology: Genesis: Successive metamorphism of sedimentary strata containing organic matter during Grenvillian orogenies.
Mineralization: Grades: Four grab samples from two mineralized discoveries, respectively assayed 20.73% graphitic carbon Cg (example no.42409), 21.25% Cg (example no.42411), 23.0% Cg (sample no.42424) and 15.09% Cg (sample no.42425). A hole (V90-06), drilled 700 m to the WNW, intersected 9.25% Cg over 3.35 m in graphitic rock, sometimes carbonated (marble). High graphite grades (15-20%) are contained in a crystalline marble unit. Grades below 10% Cg were also obtained in other metasedimentary units. Schistous gneiss with biotite and sillimanite revealed grades of the order of 4 to 5% Cg. The graphite is disseminated and comes in the form of flakes whose size varies between 0.5 and 1.5 mm.
2024 Results
From a total of 107 selected grab samples collected on the Ruisseau property in 2024, 24 samples returned results greater than 20% Cg, 55 samples returned results greater than 10% Cg, 71 samples returned results greater than 5% Cg and 92 samples returned results greater than 1% Cg. Four distinct linear high grade graphite zones were encountered including:
- the “Northwestern” zone exposed over a horizontal distance of 1,500m with maximum values up to 27.9% Cg;
- the “Western” zone exposed over a horizontal distance of 1,300m with maximum values up to 24.7% Cg;
- the “Eastern” zone exposed over a horizontal distance of 200m with maximum values up to 21.7% Cg; and
- the “Southern” zone exposed over 75m exposed with maximum values up to 17.6% Cg.
All zones trend slightly northeast except for the Southern zone, which trends east. All zones are new discoveries except for the Southern zone which was first encountered by the Company in 2023. Although discontinuous, it appears that the Southern zone may be up to 500m long on Ruisseau and may trend off the property both to the east and west. All the Ruisseau zones appear to be several 10s of meters wide on the surface, but true widths are uncertain due to extensive overburden cover. Refer to figure 1, 1a and 1b for details.
Figure 1: Ruisseau Results

Figure 1a: Ruisseau West Results

Figure 1b: Ruisseau East Results